格斯里罗伯特帕克医院 has provided quality trauma care since the inception of trauma center accreditation in 宾西法尼亚. 7月13日, 2023, the hospital was elevated by the 宾西法尼亚 Trauma Systems Foundation to be the region's only Level I 创伤中心. In addition to the multidisciplinary treatment and specialized resources for patients required of Level II trauma centers, Level I centers must also have trauma research and surgical residency programs. 

The 格斯里罗伯特帕克医院 Trauma Program serves patients from all area hospitals including Guthrie Corning Hospital, 格斯里罗伯特帕克医院, Towanda校园, and Guthrie Troy Community Hospital via helicopter transfer for expedited service. Our specially trained communications experts will help you expedite the transfer of your patients no matter what their needs.

Our trauma center provides patient-centered care from our team of fellowship-trained trauma physicians specializing in trauma, 紧急手术和重症监护. Our specialists are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to care for seriously injured patients.

Guthrie Troy Community Hospital is an accredited Level IV trauma center. Using a Rural Trauma Team approach for centers with limited resources, the emergency department can stabilize and care for critical needs that require transfer to the 格斯里罗伯特帕克医院 trauma center.


除了最先进的创伤护理, the trauma team at 格斯里罗伯特帕克医院’s Level I Regional 创伤中心 also provides surgical critical care and emergency general surgical services. Our experienced surgeons are fellowship-trained and board-certified in general surgery and surgical critical care. 他们24小时值班执行程序, 监督外科重症监护病房, 并治疗时间敏感的疾病,例如:

  • Severe soft tissue infections that may require specialized surgical care
  • 消化性溃疡穿孔
  • 肠阻塞或肠穿孔
  • 脓肿
  • 术后并发症
  • 复杂的阑尾炎
  • 胆囊炎(胆囊发作)
  • 严重的胰腺炎
  • 多器官功能障碍综合征
  • 急性呼吸窘迫综合征


To ensure that a patient is referred to the most appropriate medical or surgical specialty, 世界博彩公司十大排名提供区域转移中心, 一个24小时运行的单呼叫中心接入点, 一周七天.

To contact the Regional Transfer Center about a patient transfer or referral, call toll free: 866-336-7172.

For emergencies and patient transfers that require aeromedical transport, 世界博彩公司十大排名的空气 offers medically dedicated helicopter service with a medical command provided by Robert Packer Hospital Medical Command physicians. 安排空运电话: 800-535-0911.


An important aspect of recovering from a traumatic injury is the rehabilitation services available to the patient. 

纽曼W. 本森急性康复科 格斯里·罗伯特·帕克医院, Towanda校园 our highly trained professionals provide nurturing support and physical rehabilitation for a variety of patients who have experienced the debilitating effects of an acute injury, 障碍, 或疾病.  

病人 in the acute rehab unit receive a minimum of three hours of therapy each day for at least five days a week. Your team of compassionate providers will work with you and those involved in your care to develop a treatment plan unique to you, so you can get back to a more normal routine at home as soon as possible. 

Check our complete guide to acute rehabilitation and what we can do for you.   




Our 伤害预防 Coordinator offers programs and campaigns designed to prevent injuries such as falls and accidents due to distracted driving. For information, call Guthrie's Trauma Resource Nurse, at 570-887-6908.


The Guthrie 创伤中心 offers three educational programs in conjunction with the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma.


为期两天的课程, 世界博彩公司十大排名·罗伯特·帕克医院, teaches safe and reliable methods for immediate treatment of injured patients. Participants will learn how to assess a patient’s condition rapidly and accurately, 根据轻重缓急对患者进行复苏和稳定, 如有需要,安排接送, 并随时提供高水平的护理. 具体治疗主题包括气道和呼吸机管理, 冲击, 胸外伤, 腹部创伤, 头部受伤, 脊髓损伤, 热损伤, 儿童创伤和其他.

For information, including course dates and times, call 570-887-4050 email atls@jnjyxp.com, or 在此下载课程手册.


This course is offered concurrently with the two-day 高级创伤生命支持 course and is designed for experienced RNs working in trauma settings who want to increase their knowledge and practical skills in managing critically injured trauma patients.

欲了解更多信息,请致电Mary Wenger,注册会计师,电话:570-887-6907,电子邮件 atcn@jnjyxp.com, or 在此下载课程手册.


This one-day course is designed for rural health care facilities where care of injured patients is difficult due to a lack of resources (personnel, 设备及用品). 我们的创伤外科医生团队, emergency physicians and experienced RNs will come to your facility to help you set up your environment to function well when a critically ill patient arrives. 参与者将学习如何发展创伤小组, 定义角色和职责, 建立政策和程序. The course also teaches providers to recognize and treat common trauma injuries, 何时以及如何转移病人, 以及对儿童的特殊治疗, 老年人和孕妇.  

For information, call Lisa LaRock, RN, Trauma Program Manager, at 570-887-4640, email larock_lisa@jnjyxp.com, or 在此下载课程手册.
